Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) were retained to prepare a plan that would identify the key transportation strategies and infrastructural provisions required to develop detailed traffic management and parking plans for the improved operation of the existing road system and street network and the future development of the town including the associated zoned lands identified in the County Development Plan. Consideration was to be given to all road users and modes of transport including public transport, cyclists and other vulnerable road users. Preparation of the plan included:
- Problem identification
- Consultation with key stakeholders (e.g. chamber of commerce, residents groups, emergency services)
- Surveys and data collection (e.g. origin-destination surveys, junction counts, parking surveys)
The plan consisted of a final report that set out key recommendations and proposals for the implementation of a traffic and parking management plan for Skerries. The report recommended that the plan should be carried out over 3 phases. Phase 1 of the plan included:
- Construction of raised platforms at a number of junctions and pedestrian crossing points in the town centre together with new footpaths, build-outs, dropped kerbs, tactile paving etc.
- New surface water drainage and service crossings at each of the raised junctions and pedestrian crossing points
- Signalisation of 2 no. junctions
- Provision of a new signalised pedestrian crossing
- Provision of new public lighting
- Introduction of pay and display parking
Phase 1 of the plan was brought to the Elected Members of Fingal County Council in 2003 and subsequently went through the Part 8 Planning process. The process involved:
- Production of drawings for public display
- Attendance at a number of public consultation events
- Production of a report on the submissions received
Following approval by the Elected Members tender documents and drawings were prepared for Phase 1 of the scheme by CSEA. Construction of the scheme commenced in 2004. CSEA were appointed as Project Managers to oversee construction of the scheme. Construction of Phase 1 of the scheme was completed in 2006.