Belfield House is a protected structure dating from the 18th Century located behind the running track in the Belfield Campus. Initially this project started as a condition survey and strengthening works on the roof. It was extended on completion of the preliminary works to embrace the whole building and the adjacent changing rooms. The changing rooms were formerly the stables and coach house attached to Belfield House. Belfield House now accommodates the William Jefferson Clinton Institute for American Studies, while the Coach House and Stables are occupied by UCD Building Services Office.
Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) carried out a detailed condition survey to assess the suitability of floor joists, stairs and walls for new loading conditions. It was decided to demolish and rebuild the Coach House area as much consisted of modern additions to building. A feature of the project was the extensive landscaping of the coach house court yard and the environs of Belfield House itself